Arusha Center Inn Tourist i Arusha

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Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha Main Street, Bondeni
Kontakter telefon: +255 27 254 7803
Latitude: -3.3708069, Longitude: 36.6884911
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Kommentar 5

  • Katherine Song

    Katherine Song


    Stayed here 2 nights as booked by our safari company. It's a place to rest (if you have earplugs) for a night, but don't expect anything more than that. The first night, the room was dirty (we chose to cover the bed+pillows with our extra clothes), and we were handed damp, dirty towels. The second night, we could at least sleep in the bed and received clean-ish towels, but basically everything in the room was broken - the bathroom door, the lock, the window screens, the mosquito net...The restaurant was clean with friendly staff, though prices were high by local standards, and the "included" breakfast was tiny (tea or coffee + 3 bite-sized pieces of fruit + 1 piece of toast). There are several (4-5?) nearby mosques that broadcast their overlapping prayers over the course of 1 hour in the evening and again early in the morning. Would not stay here if given the choice.

  • Agnieszka Ujma

    Agnieszka Ujma


    Bardzo dobre miejsce na nocleg przed/po safari. W miarę czysto. Śniadanie proste wliczone w cenę (owoce, sok, kawa, herbata, jajka - jajecznica lub omlet z warzywami i jeszcze jakieś dwa rodzaje do wyboru). Pościel wyprana w silnych detergentach - by nie mnożyli się robactwo. Moskitiery w oknach i nad łóżkami. Gorąca woda w łazience. Obok meczet, więc i regularne nawoływania do modlitwy, także bladym świtem, ale że stoperami daje radę. Po drugiej stronie ulicy minimarket - woda, piwo, konyagi, przekąski, podstawowe kosmetyki - czynny od 9 rano do późnego wieczora. Blisko apteka - nie mają repelentów. Te można kupić w markecie ulice dalej - tylko balsam z trawą cytrynową lub rozmarynem, bez DEET.

  • Andrea Santoni

    Andrea Santoni


    Abbiamo soggiornato presso l Holiday inn tourist nel centro di Arusha come appoggio per il primo giorno arrivando alle 2 di notte e dovendo ripartire dopo 5 ore e l ultimo giorno per una doccia e una cena. Davvero molto spartano, per i turisti stranieri sarà sicuramente accettabile ma per le nostre strutture o come si abituati noi è davvero valido solamente per un appoggio. Da rivedere

  • Xavier Serradó

    Xavier Serradó


    En Arusha nos alojamos en el hotel Arusha Center Inn, muy correcto y con unos desayunos contundentes. Este es un pequeño hotel económico que lo teníamos incluido en el safari, tanto la noche previa al safari como la noche de llegada. Vale unos 25-35 $ la habitación, y disponen de wifi. Situado a un corto paseo del centro ('clock tower') y muy cerca del mercado central.

  • Paulina Valdés

    Paulina Valdés


    Hotel para un bajo presupuesto, no es muy lindo, pero para dormir y comer esta bien. Tiene un restaurant y sirven buenos desayunos. Llegamos a él por el safari.

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