Rose Garden Open Bar i Dodoma

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Dodoma, Tanzania
Kontakter telefon: +255 754 432 193
Latitude: -6.1674356, Longitude: 35.7502198
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Kehongoh

    Michael Kehongoh


    Quick service is what I experienced when here for the first time. Delicious African cuisine (Tanzanian local food) spacious and outside parking is available. If you want some privacy you can stay in the lounge. A nice place to chill and enjoy srinks with friends.

  • Morgan Daniel

    Morgan Daniel


    Average great

  • Ally Mzava

    Ally Mzava


    Somehow good for outing and soccer shows

  • James Mwanyato

    James Mwanyato


    Good Place for Drinking

  • Adam Shoo

    Adam Shoo


    This I can say is the best place for enjoyment when you are in Dodoma. and these are the resons. 1. They have good and quick food services that you can save your time when you are here rather than west time waiting for your meal like in other restarant do. 2. quality food and affordable for all people who reach at this place. 3. charming waiters who always listen and take care of their clients all the time when you are there. 4. The best of all is cleaness of the place that make the clients to be confotable while enjoying time and food with friend in there. The only thing make me give the 4 star rate is because no one is perfect....!!! The only problem here is position and accesability for car parking and wheel chair accessible. Just made this cool and i'll give you 5 star rate. 😊

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Chako ni Chako

A 104, Dodoma
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