Rose's Cafe i Dodoma

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Dodoma, Tanzania
Kontakter telefon: +255
Latitude: -6.1804756, Longitude: 35.745129
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Kommentar 5

  • Mou Ramaer

    Mou Ramaer


    Coffee and talk place

  • Job de Graaf

    Job de Graaf


    Very good place to have lunch and bites. Good variety of Indian dishes with daily specials. Rose also serves continental dishes, like Burgers and chips and bites. There are special dishes for vegetarians, such as Thali and Biryani (on Friday), which will delight vegetarians. Clean, fast service and great value for money.

  • Gyan Kilumbi

    Gyan Kilumbi


    Its remarkable cafe in dodoma

  • Megan Sutton Mercado

    Megan Sutton Mercado


    I enjoyed my banana and beef stew, and the proprietress was friendly. I'll have to go back to try her selection of fried snacks like scotch eggs and pakoras.

  • Karmali Karmali

    Karmali Karmali


    Definitely a place to visit for breakfast or lunch. I ate at Rose's restaurant 3 times during my stay in Dodoma. Lunch selection is small and delicious. I also hear that the menu is slightly different on different days. Bonous*..The place is clean and the staff is friendly. Price is very reasonable again...clean! ( it is always good to know the meal you have won't make you sick and I definitely recommend this place)

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