New Dodoma Hotel i Dodoma

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Keeka Road, Dodoma, Dodoma, TZ Tanzania
Kontakter telefon: +255 26 232 1641
Latitude: -6.184437, Longitude: 35.749249
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Kommentar 5

  • Mickdad Mahege

    Mickdad Mahege


    Great pool,great food,great service... Loved it

  • Raz Patel

    Raz Patel


    Nice but basic putty the window don't shut the knob on the bathroom door broken. Dodgey door lock, needs some money spent on the hotel.

  • Azael Haward

    Azael Haward


    One among the places where you shouldn't miss when visiting the new City (Tanzania Capital), the so called Dodoma City. You may ask yourself, Why this hotel? Here are few things to mention that make New Dodoma Hotel among the best in town. 1. Location (a little bit outside the town? 2. Convenient spaces 3. Diversions *Bar, *Restaurant, *Club, *Swimming pool *live performance *monetary services *maximum security *outdoor for photo and video shooting *Live Sports and game Enjoy your time.

  • Patient Pilot

    Patient Pilot


    I stayed here for a few days, food was good, friendly service. A nice vibe around the bar/swimming pool to kill some time in the afternoons. Rooms was roomy with a old box tv. Hot water to shower. The Hotel can do with some maintenance, and you can see that its a really old hotel. I would say this is probably the best in Dodoma.

  • Manoj Kumar C

    Manoj Kumar C


    Beautiful hotel, but it has started showing it's age, they will have to do the much needed repair / maintenance soon. Rooms are basic, ceiling fans are making noice, toilets are really old. They have a beautiful garden

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