Century Cinemax i Dar es Salaam

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Sam Nujoma Road, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, TZ Tanzania
Kontakter telefon: +255 767 792 259
Latitude: -6.7717985, Longitude: 39.2201816
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Kommentar 5




    The best place to enjoy moments of life with your partner....confortable place to wait for next movie

  • Collins Kahema

    Collins Kahema


    Went to see Infinity war, was impressed with the new booking service for hadn't been there in years. Not so sure about the theatre though I think they need new improvements, All in all had a great time, Best in town for movie screenings. Recommended

  • Suleyman Kisamo

    Suleyman Kisamo


    Its a great place to watch a movie. High quality sound and video. Plus there are snacks sold there.

  • Joe Ndekia

    Joe Ndekia


    For box office movies. This is the right place though they don’t show all latest movies on time. Cozy seats, best amazing sound, best video quality, 4K resolution for 2D & 3D movies. Stand by generators are not active. I experienced power cut 3 times but still my favorite place to watch movies 😬. After movie they don’t wait for post credit / whole movie to finish they always turn on the lights, skip or cleaners interrupt. Snacks / drinks are expensive. Buy a combo coupon at the ticket counter are very fair. Affordable ticket price. Best deals are on Monday to Thursday (non public holidays).

  • Ann-Marie Salem

    Ann-Marie Salem


    All the latest movies shown here. The best Movie Theater in Tanzania. Wish they had more fun movie snacks though. And an app to book tickets online as sometimes movies are sold out and you cant know until you get there.

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